In 2023, experts from the delicatessen sector were present at the Agora des Experts to talk about trends and share advice.

Spotlight on our 2023 speakers

Nicola Ballestra

Nicola Ballestra

Emeline Bernard

Emeline Bernard
Aurélien Bertrand

Aurélien Bertrand

Noémie Charpentier

Noémie Charpentier
Sandrine Choux

Sandrine Choux

Eric Champion

Eric Champion
Dominique Ferrero

Dominique Ferrero

Raphaële Kiesele

Raphaël Kiesele
Philippe Lajat

Philippe Lajat

Quentin Le Gall

Quentin Le Gall
Stéphane MEJANES

Stéphane Méjanès

Pascal Mièvre

Pascal Mièvre
Karin Nebot

Karin Nebot

Christelle Record

Christelle Record
Erwan Verlingue

Erwan Verlingue

Charles-Antoine Winter

Charles-Antoine Winter