Opportunities to be grabbed by grocers and food professionals!

91% of French people have a good image of local food shops, 30% have a better image since the beginning of the sanitary crisis and even 34% for residents of rural districts.


The top 4 advantages of local food shops

  • 89% Boost town centres and liven up the area
  • 85% Provide outlets for local producers
  • 88% Create a social link
  • 82% Participate in regional planning

And for the future?

78% of French people would like to have more specialised local food shops near their homes

Essential shops during the first lockdown period.


  • 73% of French people were reassured about health safety in the shops of their local craftsmen and food traders
  • 70% were confident about the origin of the products they bought 69% visited regularly and were satisfied
  • 64% were able to maintain a social link thanks to the shopkeepers

Source: Study conducted in December 2020 by the CSA Institute for the CGAD (Confédération Générale (Confédération Générale de l'Alimentation Détail) and conducted online among a representative sample of 2,500 French people aged 18 and over.

About the CGAD

The Confédération Générale de l'Alimentation en Détail (CGAD) is the interprofessional organisation representing the craft trades, the local food trade and the hotel and catering industry. The CGAD brings together 18 professional organisations representing 412,000 businesses - bakers, butchers, independent brewers, wine merchants, delicatessens, chocolate makers, grocers, ice-cream makers, pastry cooks, fishmongers, scalers, greengrocers, restaurant owners, etc. This sector generates an annual turnover of 115 billion euros. It employs more than 1.2 million people. It plays an important role in the training and integration of young people with more than 72,000 apprentices apprentices trained each year.

For more information: www.cgad.fr - Follow us on Twitter @CGAD_france